COMPANY PROFILE 深入了解每位業主的喜好與習慣,為其量身訂製專屬的質感品味;全方位整合設計、工程施作等服務,細心提供專業解惑,一路嚴格把關品質,安穩建構美觀舒心環境;援引簡約自然,譜寫家宅的溫情旋律,挹注時尚新穎,展演商空的特色底蘊,讓無壓氛圍包裹幸福日常,成就一場場療癒身心的美學盛宴。
Thoroughly grasp the preferences and habits of every property owner, customized the exclusive space of unique quality and taste. Comprehensively integrate the services of interior design and construction, carefully provide professional solutions, strictly control detail features, and successfully create gorgeous and inviting circumstances. Extract simple and natural elements to display the homely charm of the residence; infuse stylish and novel features into the extraordinary commercial spaces. Skillfully bring about the stress-free ambiance of happy daily life, and perform the aesthetic feast to soothe body and mind.
豐富人生,是設計的價值所在。 The value of design is to enrich people's lives!
結合理論邏輯與人性化思考,精準安排機能和動線規劃, 創造居者、空間、自然三者的緊密互動, 搭配精煉的材質工法,融入人文藝術溫度, 予人無盡內斂質蘊反覆細品,沉浸美景中,靜享悠閒適意。
Incorporate with theoretical logic and humanistic thinking, accurately arrange practical functions and plan smooth flow, ingeniously create a strong interaction among residents, space, and nature. Adopt refined materials and construction approaches, enhance the spirit of humanity and art, marvelously generate the understated yet perpetual charming ambiance, make people immerse and enjoy amid the glamorous situations leisurely.
Jen 設計總監
證照 — 內政部登記
GP綠裝修認證 專案執行人員 台灣綠裝修發展協會會員 專業設計、施工廠商 |內營室業字第40E2011682號| 建築物室內設計 |設計乙級技術士| |專業技術人員-內營室技字第40EC023408號| 建築物室內裝修 |工程管理乙級技術士| |專業技術人員-內營室技字第40EB023933號|
美國 World Design Awards |Winner|中國 HCA高定家居設計獎 |2024年度城市十大高定家居空間設計師(台北&台中)|美國 Muse Design Awards |金獎2座|中國 金堂獎 |入圍|杜拜 國際專業室內設計大賽 |住宅空間 銅獎|美國 IDA |Honorable Mention|英國 OPAL |Honorable Mention|中國 APDC亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽 |住宅空間類 獲獎|台灣 華人金創獎 |住宅單層類 獲獎|